Specialty Tests

Lab testing is vital in functional nutrition and holistic wellness because it uncovers hidden imbalances and can reveal the root cause/causes of your symptoms.

Specialty tests are recommended after removing all the obvious obstacles, and a deeper understanding of “what is going on in there” is needed —rather than relying on guesswork. Understanding the root of dysfunction allows me to create specific diet, supplement, and lifestyle recommendations to restore your natural balance.

Lab testing is crucial in tracking progress since identifying the problem and implementing a targeted plan are steps to help us achieve our end goal: improving your health by restoring balance from the inside out.

I have access to different platforms which provide direct access to laboratory testing for those who want to take charge of their health and personally monitor their wellness.

Tests are recommended based on every client’s needs.

*The client is responsible for ordering and paying for all the tests. I can only make recommendations and help my clients navigate the results. I have no monetary affiliation with these platforms.